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Product Launch Formula 2015 (5.0) Review & Bonus

Product Launch Formula is the brainchild of Jeff Walker. Responsible for over $500 million in sales from his students, the PLF course is one that has been proven time and again for almost a decade.

2015 (or late 2014 to be precise) sees a new version of the Product Launch Formula training, and in this post, I’m going to do my best to share with you as much information about the PLF course, about Jeff Walker, and about results from both Jeff’s students and also myself (yes, I own the previous version).

What Is The Product Launch Formula?

At it’s core, the Product Launch Formula training teaches you how to maximize the earnings potential of any product you create by building a launch around it.

The launch uses proven psychological techniques that are designed to help you build brand awareness and excitement for your product, so that when the launch date arrives, people already know they want it and will do anything they can to get hold of it.

Imagine this for a moment…

You’ve probably seen those new iPhone launches.

You know, the ones where people are lining up outside the Apple stores for hours (even days) beforehand, just waiting to get their hands on the latest and greatest iPhone.

A new iPhone launch is a product launch.

And Product Launch Formula teaches you how to emulate those same kinds of launches for your own products.

Wouldn’t it be cool if you had people “virtually” lining up waiting to buy your product?

That’s exactly what PLF will help you achieve.

What Is The Product Launch Formula Training Like?

In it’s very first version, the PLF course sold as a big box homestudy course, with CDs, binders manuals etc.

But for the last few versions, Jeff has decided to keep this as an online access course, with access to him via Q&A calls etc.

The training is typically delivered in video format with PDF workbooks/action steps, and the content is often dripped sequentially so you can go through it at your own pace, rather than being bombarded with everything all at once.

While I can’t say for sure, I imagine that the course is going to be online access again this time.

How Much Does Product Launch Formula Cost?

I don’t know exactly how much Product Launch Formula 5.0 for 2015 is going to cost yet. But to be honest, one of the important things to remember here is not about how much you’re going to spend, but how much value you’re going to get in return.

For instance, if you knew you could purchase the course and make back 5x your investment on your first go, wouldn’t you want to do that?

(Incidentally, that’s exactly what happened with my first launch … and many people have had much larger results than me).

So as long as you can make back at least what you paid for it, it won’t “cost” you anything.

Plus, Jeff always’s gives a rock solid guarantee so even if you find it’s not for you and you’re not able to use it, then you haven’t lost a penny.

Product Launch Formula Results

As I mentioned earlier, Product Launch Formula has been responsible for over $500 million in sales and there are frankly far too many case studies to list here in one place, so I’ll include a few of them so you can see just what is possible when you apply the PLF techniques to any kind of product launch.

– Dr Joe Mercola took Jeff’s PLF course to sell an information product in the health/wellness market. Despite having zero partners to help promote his launch, he was still able to generate over $500,000 in gross sales just by using the correct PLF procedures in his launch.

– Martin Howey is a professional coach, and with a list of just 5000 people, he was able to sell out a $20,000 coaching program and fill all 100 spots. That one launch generated $2 million in sales. In fact, this launch was so successful that even though he grossed over $2 million, he still has people on his waiting list who are ready (and eager) to pay him the $20,000 as soon as any more spots become available.

– Jose Espana tooks a product in a non-English speaking market (Spanish) and with the help of Jeff’s Product Launch Formula course, was able to build a recurring income business that pays him over $35,000 every single month.

Now obviously, not everyone who purchases Product Launch Formula is going to have those results. To be honest, most people who buy training like this never even use it.

So if this is something you’re not going to use, there’s little point in buying it.

Best Product Launch Formula Bonus

Like I said, I’m an existing Product Launch Formula owner and student of Jeff Walker. I know the course works. And not just in the sense of I know someone who knows someone who knows someone else who heard it’s good.

I mean I bought it myself, I used it myself, and I made back my investment 5x on my first attempt, and then MANY times over since then.

Because I believe in this course so much, I want to make sure people have all the tools they need to not only create their first launch, but make sure it goes as well as possible.

For that reason I’m going to be putting together a special Product Launch Formula bonus package that I think will help with some of the minor weaknesses I see in the Product Launch Formula training.

Product Launch Formula Bonus #1 – Free Traffic Formula (Value $997)

Product Launch Formula Bonus #2 – Cheaters Guide To Marketing Homestudy Course (Value $2,497)

Product Launch Formula Bonus #3 – $30k In 30 Days DVD (Value $197)
Click Here To See The Full Product Launch Formula Bonus Package


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